The Queen’s Blade: A Beautifully Crafted Hand-Made Combat Instructor

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If you are a collector or simply appreciate fine craftsmanship, then the hand-made combat instructor, Al Ain, from The Queens Blade collection is a must-have. This stunning statue is a masterpiece that will not only beautify your space but also evoke a sense of power and strength.

Intricate Design and High-Quality Material

The Queens Blade hand-made combat instructor statue

The Queens Blade combat instructor statue is meticulously hand-crafted, resonating with the passion and dedication of its creators. Made from high-quality PVC material, this intricate figurine accurately captures every detail of Al Ain, from her fierce expression to her dynamic pose. Standing at a height of 23 cm, this statue demands attention and exudes a sense of grandeur.

A Masterpiece in Scale

The Queens Blade hand-made combat instructor statue

The Queens Blade combat instructor is a 1/12 scale model, perfect for display purposes. The smaller scale allows this exquisite statue to fit seamlessly into any collection or showcase. Whether you place it on your desk, shelf, or mantelpiece, Al Ain will undoubtedly become the centerpiece of your display, captivating anyone who sees it.

Exclusive First Edition Version

The Queens Blade hand-made combat instructor statue

This combat instructor statue in modeled after the first edition, making it a rare find among collectors. The exclusive first edition version adds an extra layer of desirability and uniqueness to this already remarkable piece. Owning this hand-made combat instructor will give you a sense of pride, knowing that you have a one-of-a-kind item in your possession.

A Perfectly Finished Collectible

The Queens Blade hand-made combat instructor statue

The Queens Blade combat instructor is not just a model; it is a finished product that does not require any additional assembly. This means that once you receive your statue, you can proudly display it right away. The attention to detail in the finishing touches ensures that Al Ain is an accurate representation of the character from the renowned anime series.

Ideal for Movie and TV Enthusiasts

The Queens Blade hand-made combat instructor statue

If you are a fan of the Queens Blade anime or simply enjoy movie and TV-inspired collectibles, this combat instructor statue is perfect for you. With its JAPAN animation source and movie ; TV theme, it seamlessly blends into any collection that celebrates the world of entertainment. Whether you collect action figures, statues, or puppets, The Queens Blade combat instructor will make an excellent addition.

Discounted Price and Delivery Option

The Queens Blade hand-made combat instructor statue

For a limited time, The Queens Blade combat instructor is available at a discounted price of $45.56, a 51% reduction from its regular price of $92.98. This significant discount makes owning this remarkable statue even more enticing. Additionally, the delivery option is convenient, with a shipping fee of only $6.33. This ensures a hassle-free experience, allowing you to enjoy your purchase without any additional stress.

Age Recommendation and Availability

The Queens Blade combat instructor is suitable for individuals aged 12 and above. Its availability as an in-stock item means that you can order it with confidence, knowing that you will receive your statue promptly.

In conclusion, The Queens Blade combat instructor statue is a work of art that combines beauty and power. Its hand-crafted design, high-quality material, and exclusive first edition version make it a highly desirable addition to any collection. Whether you are a fan of the Queens Blade series or simply appreciate fine craftsmanship, this statue is a must-have. Dont miss out on the opportunity to own this incredible work of art at a discounted price. Order yours today!

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